Takashi Ikegami: Generative Ethics in ALIFE. R.U.R. and the Vision of Artificial Life, MIT Press (2024). [PDF]
Hiroki Kojima, Akiko Kashiwagi and Takashi Ikegami: Revealing Gene Expression Heterogeneity in a Clonal Population of Tetrahymena thermophila through Single-Cell RNA Sequencing. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 38, 101720 (2024).
Pasquale Stano, Chrystopher Nehaniv, Takashi Ikegami, Luisa Damiano and Olaf Witkowski: Autopoiesis: Foundations of life, cognition, and emergence of self/other. Biosystems, 232, 105008 (2023).
Atsushi Masumori and Takashi Ikegami: Spiking neural networks produce informational closure by stimulus avoidance. Biosystems, 104972 (2023).
Chris Salter and Takashi Ikegami: Sensing performance: from Balinese Character to Japanese androids. Theatre and Performance Design, 9(1-2), 91-111 (2023). (result of Dynamic Light funding, FRQSC)
Itsuki Doi, Weibing Deng and Takashi Ikegami: Spontaneous and information-induced bursting activities in honeybee hives. Sci Rep 13, 11015 (2023).
Tom Froese, Natalya Weber, Ivan Shpurov and Takashi Ikegami: From autopoiesis to self-optimization: Toward an enactive model of biological regulation. Biosystems, 104959 (2023).
Hiroki Kojima and Takashi Ikegami: Organization of a Latent Space structure in VAE/GAN trained by navigation data. Neural Networks, Volume 152, August 2022, Pages 234-243 (2022).
Hiroki Kojima, Dominique Chen, Mizuki Oka and Takashi Ikegami: Analysis and Design of Social Presence in a Computer-Mediated Communication System. Frontiers in Psychology, Human-Media Interaction,Front. Psychol. (2021). [Offloaded Agency]
Hiroki Kojima, Yuzuru Mitsui and Takashi Ikegami: Spatial and Temporal Taylor's Law in 1-Dim Chaotic Maps. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science,Chaos 31, 033111 (2021).
Atsushi Masumori,Norihiro Maruyama and Takashi Ikegami: Personogenesis through Imitating Human Behaviors in a Humanoid Robot "Alter3". Frontiers in Robotics and AI7 p.165 (2020). [Homeostasis]
Atsushi Masumori, Lana Sinapayen, Norihiro Maruyama, Takeshi Mita, Douglas Bakkum, Urs Frey, Hirokazu Takahashi and Takashi Ikegami: Neural Autopoiesis: Organizing Self-Boundaries by Stimulus Avoidance in Biological and Artificial Neural Networks. Artificial Life (2020).
Lana Sinapayen, Atsushi Masumori and Takashi Ikegami: Reactive, Proactive, and Inductive Agents: An Evolutionary Path for Biological and Artificial Spiking Networks. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (2019).
Takashi Ikegami, Yasuhiro Hashimoto and Mizuki Oka: Open-Ended Evolution and a Mechanism of Novelties in Web Services. Artificial Life, 25:2, pp.168-177 (2019). [Evolution on Web]
Norihiro Maruyama,Daichi Saito, Yasuhiro Hashimoto and Takashi Ikegami: Dynamic organization of flocking behaviors in a large-scale boids model. Journal of Computational Social Science, pp.1-8 (2019). [Superorganism]
Otto E Rossler, Lisa-Ruth Vial, Frank Kuske, August Nitschke, Takashi Ikegami and Andrei Ujica: Brain Equation and Personogenesis. Clinics in Pediatrics, vol.2, pp.1-11 (2019).
Olaf WItkowski and Takashi Ikegami: How to Make Swarms Open-Ended? Evolving Collective Intelligence Through a Constricted Exploration of Adjacent Possibles. Artificial LifeVolume 25 , p.178-197 (2019) [Superorganism]
John Brumley, Charles Taylor, Reiji Suzuki, Takashi Ikegami, Victoria Vesna and Hiroo Iwata: Bird Song Diamond in Deep Space 8k. AI & Society, pp.1–15 (2018).
Lana Sinapayen, Atsushi Masumori and Takashi Ikegami: Learning by stimulation avoidance: A principle to control spiking neural networks dynamics. PLoS ONE,12(2): e0170388. (2017). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami, Yoh-ichi Mototake, Shintaro Kobori, Mizuki Oka and Yasuhiro Hashimoto: Life as an emergent phenomenon: studies from a large-scale boid simulation and web data. Phil.Roy.Soc.,375, pp.1-15 (2017). [PDF]
Hiroki Kojima, Tom Froese, Mizuki Oka, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami: A Sensorimotor Signature of the Transition to Conscious Social Perception: Co-regulation of Active and Passive Touch. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.01778 (2017). [PDF] [Offloaded Agency]
Tim Taylor, Mark Bedau, Alastair Channon, David Ackley, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Guillaume Beslon, Emily Dolson, Tom Froese, Simon Hickinbotham, Takashi Ikegami, Barry McMullin, Norman Packard, Steen Rasmussen, Nathaniel Virgo, Eran Agmon, Edward Clark, Simon McGregor, Charles Ofria, Glen Ropella, Lee Spector, Kenneth O. Stanley, Adam Stanton, Christopher Timperley, Anya Vostinar and Michael Wiser: Open-Ended Evolution: Perspectives from the OEE Workshop in York. Artificial Life vol 22(3) pp. 408-423 (2016). [PDF] [Evolution on Web]
Yasuhiro Hashimoto: Growth fluctuation in preferential attachment dynamics. Phys. Rev. E 93, 042130 (2016). [PDF] [Evolution on Web]
Aleksandr Drozd, Olaf Witkowski, Satoshi Matsuoka and Takashi Ikegami: Critical mass in the emergence of collective intelligence: a parallelized simulation of swarms in noisy environments. Artificial Life and Robotics, 21.3: pp.317-323 (2016). [Superorganism]
Olaf Witkowski and Takashi Ikegami: Emergence of Swarming Behavior: Foraging Agents Evolve Collective Motion Based on Signaling. PLoS ONE, 11(4): e0152756 (2016). [PDF] [Superorganism]
Alexander Woodward, Tom Froese and Takashi Ikegami: Neural coordination can be enhanced by occasional interruption of normal firing patterns: A self-optimizing spiking neural network model. Neural Networks, pp.39-46 (2015). [PDF], [Homeostasis]
Takashi Ikegami, Naoto Horibe and Martin Hanczyc: Potential Memory Effects in Self-Moving Oil Droplets. Int’l Journal of Uncon. Comp, pp.345-355 (2015).
Takashi Ikegami and Mizuki Oka: Massive Data Flows: Self-organization of energy, material, and information flows. 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART 2014, pp. 237-242 (2014). [Superorganism][Evolution on Web][Offloaded Agency]
Mizuki Oka, Hirotake Abe and Takashi Ikegami: Dynamic Homeostasis in Packet Switching Networks. Adaptive Behavior, pp.1-14 (2014). [PDF] [Homeostasis]
Mizuki Oka, Yasuhiro Hashimoto and Takashi Ikegami: Self-organization on social media: endo-exo bursts and baseline fluctuations. PLoS ONE, 9(10): e109293. doi:10. 1371/journal.pone.0109293 (2014). [PDF] [Superorganism][Evolution on Web]
Tom Froese, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami: Using minimal human-computer interfaces for studying the interactive development of social awareness. Frontier. Psychol., 5 (1061) (2014). [PDF] [Homeostasis][Offloaded Agency]
Eiko Matsuda, Julien Hubert and Takashi Ikegami: A Robotic Approach to Understanding the Role and the Mechanism of Vicarious Trial-And-Error in a T-Maze Task. PLoS ONE, 9(7): e102708 (2014). [PDF] [Offloaded Agency]
Tom Froese, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami: Embodied social interaction constitutes social cognition in pairs of humans: A minimalist virtual reality experiment. Scientific Report. Vol. 4, No. 3672 (2014). [PDF] [Offloaded Agency]
Tom Froese, Nathaniel Virgo and Takashi Ikegami: Motility at the Origin of Life: Its Characterization and a Model. Artificial Life. 20(1), pp. 55-76 (2014). [PDF]
Nicholas Tomko, Inman Harvey, Nathaniel Virgo and Andy Philippides: Many Hands Make Light Work: Further Studies in Group Evolution. Artificial Life. 20(1), pp. 163-181 (2014). [PDF] [Superorganism]
Takashi Ikegami: A Design for Living Technology: Experiments with the Mind Time Machine. Artificial Life, Summer/Fall 2013, Vol. 19, No. 3(4), pp. 387-400 (2013). [PDF] [Mind Time Machine]
Mizuki Oka and Takashi Ikegami: Exploring Default Mode and Information Flow on the Web. PLoS ONE, 8(4): e60398 (2013). [PDF] [Evolution on Web]
Tom Froese, Alex Woodward and Takashi Ikegami: Turing instabilities in biology, culture, and consciousness? On the enactive origins of symbolic material culture. Adaptive Behaviors, June 2013 21, pp. 199-214 (2013). [PDF]
Yuki Sato, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami: Investigating Extended Embodiment Using a Computational Model and Human Experimentation. Constructivist Foundations 9(1), pp. 73–84 (2013).
Takashi Ikegami: The Self-moving Oil Droplet as a Homeostat. Constructivist Foundations 9(1), pp.114 (2013).
Tom Froese, Charles Lenay and Takashi Ikegami: Imitation by social interaction? Analysis of a minimal agent-based model of the correspondence problem. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6:202. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00202 (2012).
Ryoko Uno, Keisuke Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: An Experimental Approach to Speakers' Perspectives in a Paired Wall Game. Advances in Complex Systems15(3-4): 1150020-1 - 1150020-20 (2012). [PDF]
Geoff Nitschke, Martijn Schut and Ágoston Eiben: Evolving Team Behaviors with Specialization. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 13(4): 493-536 (2012).
Tom Froese and Thomas Fuchs: The extended body: a case study in the neurophenomenology of social interaction. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences,Volume 11, Issue 2, pp 205-235 (2012). [PDF]
Tom Froese: From adaptive behavior to human cognition: a review of Enaction. Adaptive Behavior. 11(2): 205-235 (2012). [PDF]
Ryoko Uno, Keisuke Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: Emergence of Rules or Stories in a Communication System: An Experimental Study Between a Pair of Human Subjects. Advances in Complex Systems (2012).
Tom Froese: From Second-order Cybernetics to Enactive Cognitive Science: Varela’s Turn From Epistemology to Phenomenology. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 28(6): 631-645 (2012). [PDF]
Geoff Nitschke, Martijn Schut and Ágoston Eiben: Evolving Behavioral Specialization in Robot Teams to Solve a Collective Construction Task. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 2(1): 25–38 (2011). [PDF]
Horibe Naoto, Hanczyc M.Martin and Takashi Ikegami: Mode Switching and Collective Behavior in Chemical Oil Droplets. Entropy. 13(3):709-719 (2011). [PDF]
Tom Froese: Breathing new life into cognitive science. Avant. The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard. 2(1): 113-129 (2011). [PDF]
Tom Froese and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo: The Enactive Approach: Theoretical Sketches From Cell to Society. Pragmatics & Cognition. 19(1): 1-36, (2011). [PDF]
Steve Torrance and Tom Froese: An inter-enactive approach to agency: Participatory sense-making, dynamics, and sociality. Humana.Mente. 15: 21-53 (2011). [PDF]
Eric Silverman and Takashi Ikegami: Robustness in Artificial Life. Journal of Bio-Inspired Computating. 3(3): 179-186 (2011). [PDF]
Ryoko Uno, Davide Marocco, Stefano Nolfi and Takashi Ikegami: Emergence of Proto-sentences in Artificial Communicating Systems. IEEE Autonomous Mental Development. 3(2): 146-153 (2011). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: Studying a self-sustainable system by making a mind time machine. ACM Digital Library (2010). [PDF]
Keisuke Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: Adaptability and Homeostasis in the Game of Life interacting with the evolved Cellular Automata. J. Natural Computating Research. 1(3): 40-50 (2010). [PDF]
Kohei Nakajima and Takashi Ikegami: Dynamical Systems Interpretation of Reversal of Subjective Temporal Order Due to Arm Crossing. Adaptive Behavior. 18(3-4): 189-210 (2010). [PDF]
Eric Silverman and Takashi Ikegami: Robustness in Artificial Life. Int. J. Bio-Inspired Computing. 197-203. Vol. 2, No. 3 (2010).
Kenta Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: Allometry and Catastrophic regime shifts in food chains. J. Theor. Biol. 267(1): 121-128 (2010). [PDF]
Martin M. Hanczyc and Takashi Ikegami: Chemical Basis for Minimal Cognition. Artificial Life. 16(3): 233-243 (2010). [PDF]
Taro Toyota, Naoto Maru, Martin M. Hanczyc, Takashi Ikegami and Tadashi Sugawara: Self-Propelled Oil Droplets Consuming “Fuel” Surfactant. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131(14):5012-5013 (2009). [PDF]
Jean-Julien Aucouturier and Takashi Ikegami: The Illusion of Agency: Two Engineering Approaches to Compromise Autonomy and Reactivity in an Artificial System. Adaptive Behavior. 17(5): 402-420 (2009). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: Rehabilitating Biology as a Natural History. Adaptive Behavior. 17(4): 325-328 (2009). [PDF]
Keisuke Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: Shapes and Self-movements in Autopoietic Cell Systems. Artificial Life. 15(1): 59-70 (2009). [PDF]
Martin M. Hanczyc and Takashi Ikegami: Protocells as smart agents for architectural design. Technoetic Arts. 7(2): 117-120 (2009).
Takashi Ikegami and Martin M. Hanczyc: The search for a First Cell under the Maximalism Design Principle. Technoetic Arts. 7(2): 153-164 (2009). [PDF]
Marieke Rohde and Takashi Ikegami: Editorial: Agency in Natural and Artificial Systems. Adaptive Behavior, 17(5):363-366 (2009).
Jean-Julien Aucouturier, Yuta Ogai and Takashi Ikegami: Using chaos to trade-off synchronization and autonomy in a dancing robot. in Trends and Controversies (Aucouturier, J.-J., ed.). IEEE Intelligent Systems. 23(2) (2008). [PDF]
Hisanano Takahashi, Naoto Horibe, Masakazu Shimada and Takashi Ikegami: Analyzing the House Fly's Exploratory Behavior with Autoregression Methods. J. Phys. Soc. Japan. 77(8): 084802 (2008). [PDF]
Yuta Ogai and Takashi Ikegami: Microslip as a Simulated Artificial Mind. Adaptive Behavior. 16(2-3): 129-147 (2008).[PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Keisuke Suzuki: From a Homeostatic to a Homeodynamic Self. BioSystems. 91(2): 388-400 (2008).[PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: Simulating Active Perception and Mental Imagery with Embodied Chaotic Itinerancy. J. Consciousness Studies. 14(7): 111-125 (2007). [PDF]
Shin Fukui, Takema Fukatsu, Takashi Ikegami and Masakazu Shimada: Endosymbiosis as a Compact Ecosystem with Material Cycling: Parasitism or Mutualism? J. Theor. Biol. 246(4): 746-754 (2007). [PDF]
Kazutoshi Sasahara and Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Birdsong Syntax by Interjection Communication. Artificial Life.13(3): 259-277 (2007).
Takashi Ikegami and Hiroyuki Iizuka: Turn-taking Interaction as a Cooperative and Co-creative Process. Infant Behavior and Development. 30(2): 278-288 (2007). [PDF]
Martin M. Hanczyc, Taro Toyota, Takashi Ikegami, Norman Packard and Tadashi Sugawara: Chemistry at the oil-water interface: Self-propelled oil droplets. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129(30): 9386 - 9391 (2007). [PDF]
Taro Toyota, Hirotastu Tsuha, Koji Yamada, Katsuo Takakura, Takashi Ikegami and Tadashi Sugawara: Listeria-like motion of oil droplets. Chemistry Letters. 35(7), 708-709 (2006). [PDF]
Keisuke Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: Spatial Pattern Induced Evolution of Self-replicating Loop Network. Artificial Life. 12(4), 461-485 (2006). [PDF]
Hiroshi C. Ito and Takashi Ikegami: Food-web Formation with Recursive Evolutionary Branching. J. Theor. Biol. 238(1), 1-10 (2006). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: Neutral Phenotypes as Network Keystone Species. J. Population Ecology. 47(1): 21-29 (2005). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: Dynamical Categories and Language. Behavioral Brain Science. 28(4):500 (2005).
Gen Masumoto and Takashi Ikegami: A New formalization of a meta-game using the lambda calculus. BioSystems. 80. pp219-231 (2005).[PDF]
Asaki Saito, Makoto Taiji and Takashi Ikegami: Inaccessibility in Online Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93: 168101 (2004). [PDF]
Yuzuru Sato and Takashi Ikegami: Undecidability in the Imitation Game. Minds and Machines 14: 133-143 (2004).[PDF]
Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami: Simulated autonomous coupling in discrimination of light frequencies. Connection Science, 17: 283-299 (2004). [PDF]
Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami: Adaptability and Diversity in Simulated Turn-taking Behavior. Artificial Life 10: 361-378 (2004). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Gentaro Morimoto: Chaotic Itinerancy in Coupled Dynamical Recognizers. CHAOS 13:1133-1147 (2003). [PDF]
Etsushi Nameda, Toru Ohira and Takashi Ikegami: Dynamical systems's approach to the Busy Beaer Problem. Computer Phys. Comm. 147: 637-640 (2002). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Koh Hashimoto: Dynamical Systems Approach to Higher-level Heritability. J. Biol. Phys. 28: 799-804 (2002). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Jun Tani: Chaotic itinerancy needs embodied cognition to explain memory dynamics. BBS 24 (5): 818-819 (2001).[PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Koh Hashimoto: Emergence of a New Attracting Set by a Mixed Strategy in Game Dynamics. J. Phys. Soc. Japan. 3221-3224 (2002).[PDF]
Mark A. Bedau, John S. McCaskill, Norman H. Packard, Steen Rasmussen, Chris Adami, David G. Green, Takashi Ikegami, Kunihiko Kaneko and Thomas S. Ray: Open Problems in Artificial Life. Artificial Life 6(4): 363-376 (2001). [PDF]
Koh Hashimoto and Takashi Ikegami: Heteroclinic Chaos, Chaotic Itinerancy and Neutral Attractors in Symmetrical Replicator Equations with Mutations. j. Phys. Soc. Japan. 70:349-352 (2001). [PDF]
Yuzuru Sato and Takashi Ikegami: Nonlinear computation with switching map systems. J. UCS, 6(9):881 (2000).[PDF]
Kouji Harada and Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Specificity in an Immune Network. j. theor.biol. 203 :439-449 (2000).[PDF]
Naoaki Ono and Takashi Ikegami: Self-maintenance and Self-reproduction in an Abstract Cell Model. J.Theor. Biol.206: 243-253 (2000). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: Evolvability of Machines and Tapes. J. Artificial Life and Robotics 3(4):242-245 (1999).[PDF]
Makoto Taiji and Takashi Ikegami: Dynamics of internal models in game players. Physica D, 134:253-266 (1999). [PDF]
Yuzuru Sato, Makoto Taiji and Takashi Ikegami: NP-completeness of kSAT and multifractals. Computer Physics Comm.121-122:51-53 (1999).[PDF]
Before 1998
Masanao Matsushima and Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Strategies in the three-person Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Game. journal of theoretical biology 195: 53-67 (1998).
Shin I. Nishimura and Takashi Ikegami: Emergence of Collective strategies in a prey-predator game model. Artificial Life Journal 3(4): 243-260 (1998). [PDF]
Takashi Hashimoto and Takashi Ikegami: Emergence of Net-grammar in Communicationg Agents. BioSystems 38:1-14 (1996).[PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Takashi Hashimoto: Active Mutation in Self-Reproducing Networks of Machines and Tapes. Artificial Life 2: 305-318, (1995).[PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: From Genetic Evolution to Emergence of Game Strategies. Physica D 75:310-327 (1994). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Kunihiko Kaneko: Evolution of Host-parasitoid network through Homeochaotic Dynamics. CHAOS 2: 397-408 (1992).[PDF]
Kunihiko Kaneko and Takashi Ikegami: Homeochaos: Dynamical stability of Symbiotic Network with Population Dynamics and Evolving Mutation Rates. Physica D 56:406-429 (1992).[PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Ichiro Tsuda: Measuring Complexity : A relative aspect of pattern recognition Int'l. J. Mod. Phys. C 3:447-458 (1992).[URL]
Takashi Ikegami and Kunihiko Kaneko: Genetic Fusion. Phys. Rev. Lett. 65:3352-3355 (1990). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Kunihiko Kaneko: Computer Symbiosis-- Emergence of Symbiotic Behavior Through Evolution. Physica D 42:235-243 (1990).[PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: Dynamical Behaviors of the Immune Network. Prog.Theor.Phys. 81:309-320 (1989). [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Masuo Suzuki: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of a Plastic Network System. Prog.Theor.Phys. 78:38-50 (1987).[PDF]
Pre Print
Atsushi Masumori, Norihiro Maruyama and Takashi Ikegami: Self-Replicating and Self-Employed Smart Contract on Ethereum Blockchain. Masumori, Lana Sinapayen and Takashi Ikegami: Simulation of Gacs' Automaton.
Takahide Yoshida, Atsushi Masumori and Takashi Ikegami: From Text to Motion: Grounding GPT-4 in a Humanoid Robot "Alter3" M. Wilkinson, Takashi Ikegami and Anna Ciaunica: Hanging in there: Prenatal origins of antigravity homeostasis in humans. Sato, Tanner Lund, Takahide Yoshida and Atsushi Masumori: Automata Quest: NCAs as a Video Game Life Mechanic Kojima, Akiko Kashiwagi and Takashi Ikegami: Revealing Gene Expression Heterogeneity in a Clonal Population of Tetrahymena thermophila through Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Kojima and Takashi Ikegami: Implementation of Lenia as a Reaction-Diffusion System Hirota, Hayato Saigo and Shigeru Taguchi: Reformalizing the notion of autonomy as closure through category theory as an arrow-first mathematics
Riku Adachi, Hiroki Kojima, Takashi Ikegami, Life-like Behavior of an Oil Droplet in an Aqueous Surfactant Solution: Comparative Analysis with Tetrahymena Movement and Numerical Investigation, Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference
Atsushi Masumori, Takashi Ikegami. Embodied Time Perception: Effects of Time Delay on Hand Motion and Time Estimation in Virtual Environments, Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference
Takahide Yoshida, Atsushi Masumori, Norihiro Maruyama, John Smith, Takashi Ikegami. Development of Concept Representation of Behavior through Mimicking and Imitation in a Humanoid Robot Alter3, Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference
Hiroki Kojima, Takashi Ikegami. Implementation of Lenia as a Reaction-Diffusion System, Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference, MIT Press, 2023
Atsushi Masumori, Norihiro Maruyama, Takashi Ikegami. Exploring Multi-Level Inter-Scale Information Flow in Large-Scale Boids Model, Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference
Ryosuke Takata, Yujin Tang, Yingtao Tian, Norihiro Maruyama, Hiroki Kojima, Takashi Ikegami. Evolving Collective AI: Simulation of Ants Communicating via Chemicals, Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference
Norihiro Maruyama, Michael Crosscombe, Shigeto Dobata, Takashi Ikegami, Emergence of Differentiation of Deterministic/Stochastic Behavior in Ants’ Collectives, Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference
Ryuzo Hirota, Hayato Saigo, Shigeru Taguchi, Reformalizing the notion of autonomy as closure through category theory as an arrow-first mathematics, Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference
Itsuki Doi, Hiroki Kojima, Takashi Ikegami, Analysis of a latent space structure in generative neural net trained by sound data, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023
Akiko Kashiwagi, Hiroki Kojima, Takashi Ikegami, Fluctuations of the gene expression in populations of Tetrahymena thermophila, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023
Norihiro Maruyama, Michael Crosscombe, Shigeto Dobata, Takashi Ikegami, Emergence of Individuality and the Self-organization of the Collective: The epsilon transducer analysis of an ant colony, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023
Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Hiroki Sato, Mizuki Oka, Takashi Ikegami, Novelty Creation and Preferential Attachment in Hashtags' Evolutionary Dynamics, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023
Hiroki Sato, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Mizuki Oka, Takashi Ikegami, A Mechanism of Novelty Innovation and OEE in Evolution of a Web Service, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023
Takashi Ikegami, Norihiro Maruyama, John Smith, Atsushi Masumori, Do Androides ape? AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022 (Joint conference of 27th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 27th 2022), 7th International Symposium on BioComplexity (ISBC7), and 5th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (SWARM5)), 2022[Offloaded Agency]
john smith, Kenichi Tomeoka, Atsushi Masumori, Norihiro Maruyama, Takashi Ikegami, Experiments on Generating Self-Image for Robots Using Piezoelectric Networks and Transformers by Android Robot Alter3. AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022, 2022. [Space and Time in Mind]
Shigeto Dobata, Norihiro Maruyama, Itsuki Doi, Takashi Ikegami, Emergence and collapse of frozen clusters in experimental ant (Pristomyrmexpunctatus) groups, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022, 2022. [Superorganism]
Akiko Kashiwagi, Itsuki Doi, Hiroki Kojima, Takashi Ikegami, Macro Vitality in Tetrahymena collectives, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022, 2022. [Superorganism]
Norihiro Maruyama, Takashi Ikegami, Emergence of Multiple Types of Swarms in a Large Scale Boids Model. AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022, 2022. [Superorganism]
Atsushi Masumori, Takashi Ikegami, Stimulus Avoidance and Informational Closure in Spiking Neural Networks, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022, 2022. [Homeostasis]
Takashi Ikegami, A New Concept for Collective Intelligence: a Coupling-Decoupling Hierarchy, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022, 2022. [Superorganism]
Hiroki Kojima, and Takashi Ikegami. "Artificial Cognitive Map System based on Generative Deep Neural Networks." ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life. MIT Press, 2021. [Space and Time in Mind]
Hiroki Kojima, Akiko Kashiwagi, Hiroaki Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami. “Phenotypic Inheritance of Dynamical Traits in Growing Populations of Tetrahymena”, The 4th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics(SWARM 2021) [Superorganism]
Norihiro Maruyama, Atsushi Masumori, Takashi Ikegami, Studying Embodied Cognition in the Android Alter. In ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life. MIT Press.
Takashi Ikegami, Atsushi Masumori, jonhsmith and Norihiro Maruyama,Can Mutual Imitation Generate Open-Ended Evolution? ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life. MIT Press, 2021. [PDF]
Hiroki Sato, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Mizuki Oka and Takashi Ikegami. Exploration in Evolutionary Space by Hashtag Evolution on a Social Network Service. In ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life. MIT Press. [Evolution on Web]
Kohei Homma, Norihiro Maruyama, Atsushi Masumori, Takashi Ikegami Cognitive map and subjective time compression generated by Hierarchical RNNn Interactive Session on jsai2020 online-2-33 [Space and Time in Mind]
Atsushi Masumori, Itsuki Doi, John Smith, Ryuta Aoki and Takashi Ikegami. Evolving Acoustic Niche Differentiation and Soundscape Complexity Based on Intraspecific Sound Communication The 2020 Conference on Artificial Life, pp.465-472
Palin Choviwatana, Shota Ejima, Mizuki Oka and Takashi Ikegami. Web as an evolutionary ecosystem: Emergence of keystone species. The 2020 Conference on Artificial Life, pp.230-238
Hiroki Sato, Itsuki Doi, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Mizuki Oka, Takahashi and Takashi Ikegami. Selection and Accelerated Divergence in Hashtag Evolution on a Social Network Service. The 2020 Conference on Artificial Life, pp.535-540. [Evolution on Web]
Yuma Kajihara, Takashi Ikegami, and Kenji Doya. Model-based empowerment computation for dynamical agents.2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp.255-261
Atsushi Masumori, Lana Sinapayen, Takashi Ikegami. Predictive Coding as Stimulus Avoidance in Spiking Neural Networks. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp.271-277
Norihiro Maruyama, Daichi Saito, and Takashi Ikegami. Emergence of Superorganisms in a Large Scale Boids Model.2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp.299-305
Daichi Saito, Norihiro Maruyama, Takashi Ikegami and Yasuhiro Hashimoto. Visualization of Dynamic Structure in Flocking Behavior. THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SWARM BEHAVIOR AND BIO-INSPIRED ROBOTICS (SWARM 2019), pp.94-100
Koya Sato, Mizuki Oka, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Takashi Ikegami and Kazuhiko Kato. How the Nature of Web Services Drive Vocabulary Creation in Social Tagging. Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Information Science and System., 2019, [in press] [Evolution on Web]
Doi, I., and Ikegami, T. Endogenous and Exogenous Bursts in a Honey Bee Hive. The 2018 Conference on Artificial Life, pp.493-499
Atsushi Masumori, Lana Sinapayen, Norihiro Maruyama, Takeshi Mita, Douglas Bakkum, Urs Frey, Hirokazu Takahashi and Takashi Ikegami. Autonomous Regulation of Self and Non-Self by Stimulation Avoidance in Embodied Neural Networks. The 2018 Conference on Artificial Life, pp.163-170
Lana Sinapayen, and Takashi Ikegami. Online fitting of computational cost to environmental complexity: Predictive coding with the ε-network, 14th European Conference on Artificial Life(ECAL2017), pp 380-387.
Itsuki Doi, Takashi Ikegami, Atsushi Masumori, Hiroki Kojima, Kohei Ogawa and Hiroshi Ishiguro. A new design principle for an autonomous robot, 14th European Conference on Artificial Life(ECAL2017), pp.490-466.
Atsushi Masumori, Lana Sinapayen and Takashi Ikegami. Learning by Stimulation Avoidance Scale to Large Neural Networks, 14th European Conference on Artificial Life(ECAL2017), pp.275-282.
Atsushi Masumori, Norihiro Maruyama, Takeshi Mita, Douglas Bakkum, Urs Frey, Horikazu Takahashi and Takashi Ikegami. Learning by Stimulation Avoidance in Cultured Neuronal Cells, The 2nd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics(SWARM 2017), pp.279-286.
Norihiro Maruyama, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Yoh-Ichi Mototake, Daichi Saito and Takashi Ikegami. Revisiting Classification of Large Scale Flocking, The 2nd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics(SWARM 2017), pp.307-310.
Yasuhiro Hashimoto and Takashi Ikegami. Novelty production in tagging crowds, The 2nd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics(SWARM 2017), pp.311-312. [Evolution on Web]
Julien Hubert and Takashi Ikegami: How long did it last? Memorizing interval timings in a simple robotic task, ALIFE XV (2016) pp.406-407.[Mind Time Machine] [Offloaded Agency]
Martin Biehl, Takashi Ikegami and Daniel Polani: Towards information based spatiotemporal patterns as a foundation for agent representation in dynamical systems, ALIFE XV (2016) pp.722-729.[Mind Time Machine]
Yoh-Ichi Mototake and Takashi Ikegami. A Simulation Study of Large Scale Swarms, SWARM 2015,pp.446-450, Kyoto university, Oct. 28-30, 2015. [Superorganism]
Atsushi Masumori, Norihiro Maruyama, Lana Sinapayen, Takeshi Mita, Urs Frey,Douglas Bakkum, Hirokazu Takahashi and Takashi Ikegami : Emergence of Sense-Making Behavior by the Stimulus Avoidance Principle: Experiments on a Robot Behavior Controlled by Cultured Neuronal Cells., ECAL2015, 2015. [Homeostasis] [Offloaded Agency]
Olaf Witkowski, Geoff Nitschke and Takashi Ikegami, Signal drives genetic diversity: an agent-based approach to speciation, Proceedings of the Twentieth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 20. January 2015. [Superorganism]
Yhoichi Mototake and Takashi Ikegami, The dynamics of deep neural networks, Proceedings of the Twentieth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 20. January 2015. [Homeostasis]
Norihiro Maruyama, Atsushi Masumori, Julien Hubert, Takeshi Mita, Douglas Bakkum, Hirokazu Takahashi and Takashi Ikegami : Designing a Robotic Platform Controlled by Cultured Neural Cells, ALIFE 14: THE FOURTEENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE SYNTHESIS AND SIMULATION OF LIVING SYSTEMS, pp769-770, 2014. [PDF]
Nathaniel Virgo and Takashi Ikegami: There can be Only One: Reversible Cellular Automata and the Conservation of Genki. Artificial Life 14: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Sythesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 530-531, 2014. [PDF]
Nathaniel Virgo, Simon McGregor and Takashi Ikegami: Self-Organising Autocatalysis. Artificial Life 14: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Sythesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 498-505, 2014. [PDF]
Olaf Witkowski, Nathanael Aubert-Kato: Pseudo-Static Cooperators: Moving Isn’t Always about Going Somewhere.Artificial Life 14: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Sythesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 392-397, 2014. [PDF]
Olaf Witkowski and Takashi Ikegami: Asynchronous Evolution: Emergence of Signal-Based Swarming. Artificial Life 14: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Sythesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 302-309, 2014. [PDF]
Norihiro Maruyama, Atsushi Masumori, Julien Hubert, Takeshi Mita, Douglas Bakkum, Hirokazu Takahashi and Takashi Ikegami: Designing a Robotic Platform Controlled by Cultured Neural Cells. Artificial Life 14: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Sythesis and Simulation of Living Systems., pp. 769-770, 2014. [PDF]
Mizuki Oka, Yasuhiro Hashimoto and Takashi Ikegami: Self-organization on social media: endo-exo bursts and baseline fluctuations. Workshop on Artificial Life and the Web (WebAL-1) at ALIFE 14, 2014. [PDF] [Evolution on Web]
Mizuki Oka, Hirotake Abe, Takashi Ikegami: Dynamic Homeostasis in Packet Switching Network. Exploiting synergies between biology and artificial life technologies: tools, possibilities, and examples at ALIFE 14, 2014. [PDF]
Norihiro Maruyama, Itsuki Doi, Atsushi Masumori, Mizuki Oka, Takashi Ikegami, Victoria Vesna, Charles Taylor: Evolution of Artificial Soundscape in a Natural Environment. Exploiting synergies between biology and artificial life technologies: tools, possibilities, and examples at ALIFE 14, 2014. [PDF]
Mizuki Oka, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Takashi Ikegami: Fluctuation and Burst Response in Social Media. The 2nd International Web Observatory Workshop WOW2014 at WWW 2014, pp. 1037-1042, 2014. [PDF] [Evolution on Web]
Takashi Ikegami, Mizuki Oka: Massive Data Flows: Self-organization of energy, material, and information flows. 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART 2014, pp. 237-242, 2014. [PDF]
Olaf Witkowski and Geoff Nitschke : The Transmission of Migratory Behaviors, Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Artificial Life, 12, pp1218-1220, 2013. [PDF]
Olaf Witkowski, Nathanaël Aubert : Size Does Matter: The Impact of Size on Hoarding Behaviour, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on The Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, 13, 542--543, 2013.
Nathaniel Virgo, Tom Froese and Takashi Ikegami: The Positive Role of Parasites in the Origins of Life, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, pp. 1-4, 2013. [PDF]
Norihiro Maruyama, Mizuki Oka, Takashi Ikegami: Creating Space-Time Affordances via an Autonomous Sensor Network, The 2013 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life,pp.67-73, 2013. [PDF]
Eiko Matsuda, Takeshi Mita, Julien Hubert, Douglas Bakkum, Urs Frey, Andreas Hierlemann, Hirokazu Takahashi, and Takashi Ikegami: Analysis of neuronal cells of dissociated primary culture on high-density CMOS electrode array, Proceedings of 35th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp 1045-1048, IEEE, 2013. [PDF]
Mizuki Oka, Takashi Ikegami, Alex Woodward, Yiqing Zhu, Kazuhiko Kato: Cooperation, Congestion and Chaos in Concurrent Computation. Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2013: Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 498–504. MIT Press, 2013. [PDF]
Virgo, N. and Ikegami, T: Autocatalysis Before Enzymes: The Emergence of Prebiotic Chain Reactions. In Liò, P. et al. (eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2013: Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 240-247. MIT Press, 2013. [PDF]
Julien Hubert, Eiko Matsuda and Takashi Ikegami: Hebbian Learning in a Multimodal Environment, In Liò, P. et al. (eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2013: Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 698-705. MIT Press, 2013. [PDF]
Eiko Matsuda, Takeshi Mita, Julien Hubert, Mizuki Oka, Douglas Bakkum, Urs Frey, Hirokazu Takahashi and Takashi Ikegami, Multiple time scales observed in spontaneously evolved neurons on high-density cmos electrode array, Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp 1075-1082, MIT press, 2013. [PDF]
Olaf Witkowski, Geoff Nitschke, Takashi Ikegami : When is Happy Hour: An Agent's Concept of Time , Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on The Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, 13, 544--545, 2012. [PDF]
Olaf Witkowski, Geoff Nitschke, Takashi Ikegami : Time To Migrate: The Effect of Lifespan on Imitation and Culturally Learned Migration , 7th International Workshop on Natural Computing, 2012.
Froese, T., Ikegami, T., Virgo, N: The Behavior-Based Hypercycle: From Parasitic Reaction to Symbiotic Behavior.Artificial Life 13: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, pp. 457-464, 2012.
Geoff Nitschke: Behavioral Heterogeneity and Collective Construction. In, Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.,pp. 387-394, IEEE Press, Brisbane, Australia, 2012. [PDF]
Mizuki Oka and Takashi Ikegami :Characterizing Autonomy in the Web via Transfer Entropy, ALIFE 13, pp. 234-242, 2012. [Evolution on Web]
Alexander Woodward, Patrice Delmas, Takashi Ikegami: An optimal parameter analysis and GPU acceleration of the image receptive fields neural network approach.IVCNZ pp. 222-226, 2012.
Tom Froese, Takashi Ikegami, and Mike Beaton: Non-Human Primates Cannot Decontextualize and Objectify the Actions of Their Conspecifics. In: T. C. Scott-Phillips, M. Tamariz, E. A. Cartmill and J. R. Hurford (eds.), The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference (EvoLang9). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 126-133, 2012. [PDF]
Alex Woodward, Takashi Ikegami: A Reservoir Computing approach to Image Classification using Coupled Echo State and Back-Propagation Neural Networks. In Proc. of 26th int. conf. on image and vision computing (IVCNZ) 453-458, 2011. [PDF]
Ryoko Uno, Keisuke Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: An interactive wall game as an evolution of proto language.Advances in Aritificial Life: Proc. of ECAL11. MIT Press, 813-819, 2011.
Ryoko Uno, Keisuke Suzuki, Takashi Ikegami: Exploring the texture of communication: The transparency of consciousness that links grammar and lexicon. ASSC. Handbook, 109, 2011.
Eiko Matsuda, Julien Hubert and Takashi Ikegami :A Robotic Approach to Understand the Role of Vicarious Trial-and-Error in a T-Maze Task, Proc. of ECAL 514-521, 2011. [PDF]
Yuki Sato, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami :An Experimental and Computational Approach to the Dynamic Body Boundary Problem, Proc. of ECAL 721-728, 2011.
Eiko Matsuda, Julien Hubert and Takashi Ikegami :Examining the Role of Vicarious Tria-and-Error in a Robotic Experiment, ASSC 79, 2011. [PDF]
Marek McGann, Tom Froese, William Bigge, Adam Spiers, and Anli K. Seth: The Use of a Distal-to-Tactile Sensory Substitution Interface Does Not Lead to Extension of Body Image. In: B.G. Bardy, J. Lagarde and D. Mottet (Eds.),The International Conference SKILLS 2011. 1(60), 2011. [PDF]
Tom Froese, Nathaniel Virgo, and Takashi Ikegami: Life as a process of open-ended becoming: Analysis of a minimal model. Proc. of ECAL 2011 250-257, 2011. [PDF]
Tom Froese, Keisuke Suzuki, Sohei Wakisaka, Yuta Ogai, and Takashi Ikegami: From Artificial Life to Artificial Embodiment: Using human-computer interfaces to investigate the embodied mind ‘as-it-could-be’ from the first-person perspective. In: Kazakov, D. & Tsoulas, G. (eds.), Proceedings of AISB’11: Computing & Philosophy. York, UK: Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior, 43-50, 2011. [PDF]
Eiko Matsuda, Julien Hubert, Takashi Ikegami: The Role of Vicarious Trial-And-Error in a T-Maze Task Proceedings of Morphological Computation 2011 2011. [PDF]
Yuki Sato, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami: An Experimental and Computational Approach to the Dynamic Body Boundary Problem. Proc. of ECAL 2011. 721-728, 2011.
Takashi Ikegami, Mizuki Oka and Horitake Abe: Autonomy of the Internet: complexity of flow dynamics in a packet switching network, ECAL, 364-371, 2011.
Mizuki Oka and Takashi Ikegami: The Web as a New Framework for Understanding the Mind, ASSC, 2011.
Geoff Nitschke, Korbus de Bruyn, and Willem van Heerden: Evolutionary Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization for Artificial Language Evolution. In, Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. 1110-1108, IEEE Press, New Orleans, USA, 2011.[PDF]
Geoff Nitschke, Carina Viljoen, and Willem van Heerden: Evolving Fictional Dialogue: Evolutionary Algorithms and Aesthetic Selection. In, Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. 1108-1116, IEEE Press, New Orleans, USA, 2011.[PDF]
Keisuke Suzuki, Ryoko Uno, Takashi Ikegami: Language as autopoiesis: Experimental approach to agency in linguistic communication. Artificial Life XII: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Sythesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press, 860-861, 2010.
Keisuke Suzuki, Ryoko Uno, Takashi Ikegami: Language as autopoiesis: Experimental approach to agency in linguistic communication. Artificial Life XII: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Sythesis and Simulation of Living Systems. MIT Press, 860-861, 2010.
Takashi Ikegami and Yuta Ogai: Self-organization of Subjective Time and Sustainable Autonomy in Mind Time Machine. Artificial Life XII : Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. 624-625, 2010.
Naoto Horibe, Martin M. Hanczyc and Takashi Ikegami: Shape and Motion dynamics in Self-Moving Oil Droplets, The 3rd International Symposium on Mobiligence, 367-371, 2009.
Yuta Ogai, Ryoko Uno and Takashi Ikegami: From Active Perception to Language - Analysis of Onomatopoeias using a Tactile Display -, The 3rd International Symposium on Mobiligence, 382-386, 2009.
Julien Hubert, Eiko Matsuda, Eric Silverman, and Takashi Ikegami: A robotic approach to understand robust systemsThe 3rd International Symposium on Mobiligence. 361-366, 2009. [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: Homeodynamics, Shape and Motion dynamics in Self-Moving Oil Droplets” at “What is Evolution?, Organized by Murase, Kyoto, Japan, 2009.
Takashi Ikegami: Is Life an Emergent property?, The Origin of Life” conference (organized by Luisi Luigi, San Sebastian, Spain, 2009.
Ryoko Uno: Perspectives and causal clauses in Japanese and English, The Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2008.
Ryoko Uno, Davide Marocco, Stefano Nolfi and Takashi Ikegami: Emergence of sentence types in simulated adaptive agents, The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference (EVOLANG7) 323-330, 2008.
Takashi Ikegami: Artificial Life is Dead, Artificial Life XI, Winchester, UK, keynote, 2008
Duraid Madina Circuit and Physical Design of the MDGRAPE-4 on chip network links, At the International Workshop on System level Interconnect Prediction, New Castle, UK, 2008.
Hiroki Matsuno, Martin M. Hanczyc and Takashi Ikegami: Self-maintained Movements of Droplets with Convection Flow, ACAL,179-188, 2007. [PDF]
Ryoko Uno, Davide Marocco, Stefano Nolfi and Takashi Ikegami: Transition from Imperatives to Declaratives in Artificial Communicating Systems, Workshop "Social Learning in Embodied Agents" in 9th European Conference on Artifitial Life, Lisbon, Portugal. September 10-14, 2007. [PDF]
Uno, Ryoko and Takashi Ikegami: Two Types of Speaker Involvement Scales and Causal Connectives in Japanese, 10th International Cognitive Linguistic Conference, Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland, Handbook 277-278, July 15-21, 2007.
Kohei Nakajima, Soya Shinkai, Takashi Ikegami: Formal Model of Embodiment on Abstract Systems. From Hierarchy to Heterarchy, ECAL, 1110-1119, 2007.
J. Aucoutier, Yuta Ogai and Takashi Ikegami: Making a robot dance to music using chaotic itinerancy in a network of FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons, Proc. of the 14th Int’l Conf. on Neural Informaiton Processing, 2007. [PDF]
Asaki Saito, Makoto Taiji, and Takashi Ikegami: Dynamical Singularities in Online Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks, FOCI, 174-179, 2007.
Keisuke Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: Membrane as an Interface in a Simple Metabolic Cell, International Conference on Morphological Computation, Venezia, Italy, 2007.
Takashi Ikegami: From Chaos to Cosmos: Integration in Biological Systems, Yamada Science Foundation 3, Shouna, Japan, 2007.
Gentaro Morimoto and Takashi Ikegami: Emergence of Coherent Coordinated Behavior in a Network of Homogeneous Active Elements, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, 510-521, 2006.
Gentaro Morimoto, Takashi Ikegami: Development of Haptic Perception by Homogenenous Active Elements, Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems, 178-179, 2006.[PDF]
Takashi Ikegami: Chaotic Itinerancy, Active Perception and Mental Imagery, the proceedings of the Symposium on Next Generation Approaches to Machine Consciousness, Hatfield, UK, 36-39. ISBN1-902956468, 2005.[PDF]
Hiroyuki Iizuka, Takashi Ikegami: Emergence of Body Image and the Dichotomy of Sensory and Motor Activity, the proceedings of the Symposium on Next Generation Approaches to Machine Consciousness, Hatfield, UK, 104-109, 2005.[PDF]
Kazutoshi Sasahara and Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Song Comunication in a 2D Space, ECAL LNAI 3630 (eds. M. Capcarrere et al. ), 835-844, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
Yuta Ogai, Takashi Ikegami: Microslip as a dynamical system, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human and Artificial Intelligence Systems, Advanced Knowledge International Pty. Ltd., 215-220, 2004. [PDF]
Masumi Nasukawa, Gentaro Morimoto and Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Sensory-motor Coordination Physical Coherency, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human and Artificial Intelligence Systems, (Advanced Knowledge International Pty. Ltd.), 401-406, 2004.
Gentaro Morimoto and Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Plastic Sensory-motor Coupling and Dynamic Categorization, Artificial Life, MIT press, 188-193, 2004. [PDF]
Kazutoshi Sasahara and Takashi Ikegami: Song Grammars as Complex Sexual Displays, Artificial Life, MIT press, 194-199, 2004. [PDF]
Duraid Madina and Takashi Ikegami: Cellular Formation in a 3D Molecular Dynamics System with Chemistry, Artificial Life, MIT press, 461-465, 2004.
Chris Salzberg, Hiroki Sayama and Takashi Ikegami: A Tangled Hierarchy of Graph- Constructing Graphs, Artificial Life, MIT press, 495-500, 2004.
Keisuke Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: Self-repairing and Mobility of a Simple Cell, Artificial Life, MIT press, 421-426, 2004. [PDF]
Gentaro Morimoto and Takashi Ikegami: Exploration Behavior in Shape Discrimination, AI Robotics and ControlProceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human and Artificial Intelligence Systems, Advanced Knowledge International Pty. Ltd., 209-214, 2004.[PDF]
Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami: Adaptive Coupling and Intersubjectivity in Simulated Turn-Taking Behaviours, Advances in Artificial Life, Springer, Banzhaf et al., 336-345, 2004. [PDF]
Keisuke Suzuki and Takashi Ikegami: Interaction based Evolution of Self-replicating Loop Structures. Advances in Artificial Life Springer, Banzhaf et al., 89-96, 2003. [PDF]
Kazutoshi Sasahara and Takashi Ikegami: Coevolution of Birdsong Grammar without Imitation. Advances in Artificial Life Springer, Banzhaf et al., 482-490, 2003. [PDF]
Duraid Madina, Naoaki Ono and Takashi Ikegami: Cellular Evolution in a 3D Lattice Artificial Chemistry. Advances in Artificial Life Springer, Banzhaf et al., 59-68, 2003. [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Hiroyuki Iizuka: Joint attention and Dynamics repertoire in Coupled Dynamical Recognizers. the proceedings of the AISB 03: the Second International Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts 125-130, 2003. [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami, Tomoharu Iwata, and Koh Hashimoto: A Network fo Dynamic Keystone Species. Artificial Life VIII (eds. R.K. Standish, M.A. Bedau and H.A. Abbass, MIT) 216-222, 2003. [PDF]
Hiroshi Ito and Takashi Ikegami: Evolutionary Dynamics of a Food Web with Recursive Branching and Extinction.Artificial Life VIII(eds. R.K. Standish, M.A. Bedau and H.A. Abbass, MIT) 207-215, 2003. [PDF]
Hiroyuki Iizuka and Takashi Ikegami: Simulating Turn-taking Behaviors with Coupled Dynamical Recognizers. Artificial Life VIII (eds. R.K. Standish, M.A. Bedau and H.A. Abbass, MIT) 319-328, 2003. [PDF]
Gen Masumoto and Takashi Ikegami: The Lambda Game System - An approach to a meta game-. Advances in Artificial Life LNAI 2159 (eds. J.Kelemen and P.Sosik, Springer) 695-699, 2001.
Naoaki Ono and Takashi Ikegami: Artificial Chemistry: Computational Studies on the Emergence of Self-Reproducing Units. Advances in Artificial Life LNAI 2159 (eds. J.Kelemen and P.Sosik, Springer), 186-195, 2001.
Takashi Ikegami and Makoto Taiji: Imitation and Cooperation in Coupled Dynamical Recognizers. Advances in Artificial Life. eds. Floreano,D. et al., Springer-Verlag, 545-554, 1999.
Yuzuru Sato and Takashi Ikegami: Undecidability of the Imitation Game (eds. Dautenhahn et al.) Imitation in Animals and Artifacts in the Proceedings of the AISB '99 Symposium (publ. The society for the study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Behavior), 157-159, 1999.
Kouji Harada, and Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Multispecificity in an Immune Network Advances in Artificial Life.(Springer-Verlag), 427-431, 1999.
Naoaki Ono and Takashi Ikegami: Model of Self-replicating cell capable of self-maintenance. Advances in Artificial Life LNAI 1674 eds. D.Floreano et al., Springer, 398-406, 1999. [PDF]
Before 1998
Takashi Ikegami and Makoto Taiji: Structures of Possible Worlds in a Game of Players with Internal Models Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica 91:283-292, 1998. [PDF]
Shin I. Nishimura and Takashi Ikegami: Emergence and Maintenance of Relationships among Agents. Artificial Life VI(eds. C. Adami, R. Belew, H. Kitano and C. Taylor), MIT Press, 438-442, 1998.
Takashi Ikegami and Takashi Hashimoto: Replication and Diversity in Machine-Tape Coevolutionary Systems Artificial Life V (eds. C.Langton and K.Shimohara, MIT press) 426-33, 1997.
Takashi Ikegami and Takashi Hashimoto: Coevolution of Machines and Tapes Advances Advances in Artificial Life, Proceedings of Third European Conference on Artificial Life(eds. F.Moran et al., LNAI 929). 234-245, 1995
Takashi Ikegami: Ecology of Evolutionary Game Strategies the proceedings of international symposium on European Conference for Artificial Life(May, Brussels), 1993.
Doctoral Thesis
David Ha: Abstractions in Machine Learning
Hiroki Kojima: Information Theoretical Approaches to Dyadic Human Interactions
Norihiro Maruyama: Emergence of Swarms and Superorganisms in Large Scale Boids Simulations
Itsuki Doi: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Exogenous and Endogenous Bursts in Honeybee Hives
Atsushi Masumori: Homeostasis by Action, Prediction, Selection in Embodied Neural Networks
Lana Sinapayen: Exploring New Neural Architectures for Adaptation to Complex Worlds
Yoh-Ichi Mototake: Geometrical Structures Embedded in High Dimensional Data Sets and Deep Learning : Analysis and Application to Dynamical Systems
Olaf Witkowski. Evolution of Coordination and Communication in Groups of Embodied Agents, Published as PhD thesis, Library for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, University of Tokyo. Japan. March 2015.
Julien Hubert: Memory and Time in Artificial Neural Networks
Eiko Matsuda: Time Scales, Synaptic Plasticity and Embodiment
Yuki Sato: Investigating Extended Embodiment with Computer Simulations and Real Human Experiments
Kenta Suzuki: Structural instability, multiple stable states and hysteresis in food webs.
Yuta Ogai: Constructive Research of Active Perception by Cognitive Experiment and Simulation Using Neural Networks.
Ken Suzuki: Propagational Investment Currency SYstem (PICSY): Proposing a New Currency System Using Social Computing.
Salzberg Christopher: Community Translation in a Multilingual Online Environment: Case Study and Theoretical Framework
Kohei Nakajima: Theory of Active Cognition Based on Sensorimotor Coupling System.
Duraid Madina: Computer Architecture for Compute-Limited Scientific Models.
Hiroki Matsuno: Self-maintained Movements of Droplets with Convection Flow.
Etsushi Nameda: Dynamical Systems Approach to the Busy Beaver Problem.
Gentaro Morimoto: Exploration and Categorization in Dynamical Systems Models of Active Perception.
Keisuke Suzuki: Self-movement and Autopoiesis in a Cell Model.
Ryoko Uno: Detecting and Sharing Perspectives Using Causals: A Case of Japanese Causals.
Kazutoshi Sasahara: Evolution of Complexity and Diversity in Simulated Birdsong Grammars.
Hiroyuki Iizuka: Subjective Coupling and Embodied Cognition in Simulated Vehicles.
Gen Masumoto: The Lambda Game System: an approach to a meta-game.
Naoaki Ono: Artificial Chemistry: Computational studies on the emergence of self-reproducing unit.
Koh Hashimoto: Numerical Studies on Complex Behavior in Replicator Dynamics.
Koji Harada: Dynamic Estblishment of Natural Torelance in an Immune Network System.
Yuzuru Sato:Logic and Computation in Dynamical Systems.
Before 1999
Shin I. Nishimura: Simulated Group Motion of Artifichial Animals.
Eken S. Yoshikawa: Evolution of Mutualism in a Host-Parasite Game Dynamics System.
Takashi Hashimoto: Evolution of Code and Communication in Dynamical Networks.
岡 瑞起、池上 高志、ドミニク・チェン、青木 竜太、丸山 典宏 作って動かすALife—実装を通した人工生命モデル理論入門 オライリー・ジャパン 2018年07月
池上高志、石黒浩 人間と機械のあいだ 講談社 2016
大海悠太・宇野良子・池上高志: オノマトペとアクティブ知覚:触覚ディスプレイを用いた実験 篠原和子・宇野良子(編) 近づく音と意味:オノマトペ研究の射程, ひつじ書房, 2013年4月
Takashi Ikegami,Living Technology: 5 Questions Automatic Press / VIP (edited by Mark Bedau, Pelle Guldborg Hansen , Emily Parke) 95-104, 2010
Ryoko Uno: Detecting and Sharing Perspectives Using Causals in Japanese. Hituzi Syobo Publishing., 2009. [URL]
Ryoko Uno and Takashi Ikegami: The role of uncertainty in communication: Analysis of atypical grammatical usage and simulating game players. Minett, James W. & Wang, William S-Y. (eds.) Language, Evolution, and the Brain. Hong Kong : City University of Hong Kong Press. 239-260, 2009.
Naoaki Ono, Duraid Madina and Takashi Ikegami: Origin of Life and Lattice Artificial Chemistry Protocells: Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter(S. Rasmussen et al. Ed.). MIT Press, 197-212, 2009.
Takashi Ikegami, Ogai, Y., Evala, H., Shibuya, M and Shibuya,K :Filmachine/filmachine phonics. [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami and Jordan Zlatev:From pre-representational cognition to language. In Body, Language and Mind, vol. 2. Zlatev, Jordan; Ziemke, Tom; Frank, Roz; Dirven, Ren (eds.). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter,2007. 241-283. [PDF]
Takashi Ikegami, and Hiroyuki Iizuka :Turn-taking and Styles of Motion. In the `Imitation and Social Learning in Robots, Humans and Animals: Behavioural, Social and Communicative Dimensions' Cambridge University Press, edited by Chrystopher Nehaniv and Kerstin Dautenhan, 301-321, 2007.
Jordan Pollack, Mark Bedau, Phil Husbands, Takashi Ikegami, and Richard A. Watson. :Artificial Life IX Cambridge: MITpress 2004.
Ichiro Tsuda and Takashi Ikegami: A book review on Endophysics: The World As An Interface. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 7:213-214, 2002.
Yuzuru Sato, Makoto Taiji and Takashi Ikegami:On the power of nonlinear mappings in switching map systems. Unconventional Models of Computation UMC2K. Springer-Verlag, 234-247, 2000.
Yuzuru Sato M. Makoto Taiji, and Takashi Ikegami: Self-similar sets as satisfiable Boolean expressions.Unconventional Models of Computation. Springer-Verlag, 352-370, 1998.
Takashi Ikegami and Yoshikawa, E.S, :Chaos and Evolution of Cooperative Behavior in a Host-parasite Game in Towards the Harnessing of Chaos (ed. M.Yamaguchi, Springer)63-72. 1995.
池上高志:『動きが生命をつくる:生命と意識への構成論的アプローチ』青土社, 2007.
池上高志:身体化された記号:シンボルグラウンディング問題 『生命システムをどう理解するか』(浅島誠編集, 共立出版), 題11章および第3部, 2007.
池上高志:ゲーム理論のフロンティア松田裕之との共編集, サイエンス社, 2006.
池上高志:知覚の複雑系理論 『16歳からの東大冒険講座 第3巻』 培風館, 2005.
池上高志:生命進化を理解する〜進化可能性をめぐって〜 『生命の起源』(伏見譲 監修)7章, 丸善(東京), 2004.
池上高志:言語と認知の相互作用様式 『ことばの認知科学辞典』(編:辻幸夫) 158-175, 大修館書店, 2001.
池上高志: ゲームでみる生命の複雑さの理論, ゲーム(東京大学出版会), 105-144, 1999.
金子邦彦, 池上高志: 『複雑系の進化的シナリオ』, 朝倉出版, 1998.
池上高志: マシンとテープにみる自己複製と突然変異. 『遺伝的アルゴリズム3』 産業図書, 337-362, 1997.
池上高志: カオス, 進化, ゲーム (人工生命ー情報と生命とCGの交差点ー), 共立出版, 第3章, 1994.
Invited Talks
Takashi Ikegami, Uehara Memorial, June 2023.
Takashi Ikegami: How can an android become human? International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science (OIST, JP), November 2022.
Takashi Ikegami: Architectural Body In Metaverse. Arakawa+Gins Int’l workshop, Kyoto, March 2022.
Takashi Ikegami: Offloaded Mind: Experiments in Dyadic Humanoid/Human Interaction. 2021 International Workshop on Embodied Intelligence. (UK, online), March 2021.
Takashi Ikegami, In Between Man and Machine. Daiwa Foundation Japan House, December 2021. [Link] [Offloaded Agency]
Takashi Ikegami: Off-loaded Mind and Communication Musicality. Gateway event Edinburgh Centre for Robotics (Edinburgh, online) November 2021.
Takashi Ikegami, Atsushi Masumori, Norihiro Maruyama, Can Mutual Imitation Generate Open-Ended Evolution? Alife2021, June 2021 [PDF][Link] [Offloaded Agency]
Takashi Ikegami: Self-Organization and Developments of Super-Individuals in Large Scale Systems: HoneyBees, Tetrahymena, Web data, Boids ,,, Conference for Complex Systems (Barcelona Online), December 2020.
Takashi Ikegami: Life as a Collective Emergence Phenomenon. SWARM 2019: The 3rd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (Okinawa, OIST) November 2019.
Takashi Ikegami: Offloaded Agency. SIGEF (Tokyo), September 2019.
Takashi Ikegami: Offloaded Agency:エージェンシーはインストールされる. CHAIN ACADEMIC SEMINAR, August 2019[Link] [Offloaded Agency]
Takashi Ikegami: Machine Learning and Consciousness. Mini Symposium at the Barbican center London, UK, May 2019.
Takashi Ikegami: From AI to ALIFE. AI/SUM, Tokyo, April 2019.
Takashi Ikegami, A general chair of International Conference on Artificial Life, Tokyo, Japan, July 2018.
Takashi Ikegami: Emergent Collective Dynamics in Large Scale Agent Systems. Conference on Collective Behavior, Trieste, Italy, May 2018.
Takashi Ikegami: Life as an Emergent Phenomenon: Studies from a Large-Scale Boid Simulation and Web Data. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, Honolulu, U.S., November 2017.
Takashi Ikegami, The EON workshop on History and Philosophy of Origins Research, Tokyo, August 2016.
Takashi Ikegami, Eight International Workshop on Guided Self -Organization, ALIFE XV, Cancun, Mexico, July 2016.
Takashi Ikegami, Natural and Artificial, Truly Techniques: Linking Knowledge Practices through Art, Science and Technology, 2015.
Takashi Ikegami: Massive Data Flowsから見る意識と無意識. Japanese Society of Psychopathology, Tokyo, October 2014.
Takashi Ikegami, 14th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics WASEDA UNIVERSITY, Tokyo, August 2014.
Takashi Ikegami, ICT ART CONNECT 2013 Brussels, November 2013.
Takashi Ikegami, Collective Behaviours and Social Dynamics Workshop ECAL 2013 , Sicily, September 2013.
Takashi Ikegami: Default mode network in the Web dynamics. the 2nd Discussion Symposium on Artificial Life and Biomimetic Functional Materials, Sapporo, December 2012.
Takashi Ikegami: Living Technology: Affordance, Computation and Time. MICRO WAVE, Hong Kong, November 2012.
Takashi Ikegami: Mind Time Machine as a Living Technology. Meta.Morf 2012, Trondheim September 2012.
Takashi Ikegami: Maximalism. TEDxTokyo, Tokyo, June 2012.
Takashi Ikegami, The Evolution of Chemical Replicators and the Autonomous Sensor Network at Symposium of Origins of Infomration Processing: Evolution at Mutliple Levels, Utecht, May 2012.
Takashi Ikegami, The Default Mode Network of the Brain, Transfer Entropy Network and Information Turbulence in the Web., Brighton, Februrary 2012.
Takashi Ikegami, Workshop on "Emergence of communication. From artificial agents to human experiments", Plymouth, Februrary 2012.
Takashi Ikegami, Google Tech Talk, Mountain View, January 2012.
Takashi Ikegami, Computer Vision. New Zealand, November 2011.
Takashi Ikegami, 京都大学国際 Forum「新たな知の統合に向けて」, 京都, October 2011.
Takashi Ikegami, JAWS (合同エージェントワークショップ) 熱海, October 2011.
Takashi Ikegami: Design for Living Technology: Exploring Autonomy and Sustainability in Artificial Life Systems in the Real World. ICMC2011 Italy, September 2011.
Takashi Ikegami, A workshop at the International Conference on Unconventional Computation: with Spatio-temporal Dynamics, Tokyo, June 23-24, 2010.
Takashi Ikegami, The Second International symposium on Computational Neuroscience, June 18, KIST, Seoul, Korea, 2010.
Takashi Ikegami, International Workshop on Architecture at Artificial Life XII, Odense, Denmark, August 19, 2010.
Takashi Ikegami, International Workshop on Self-Sustaining systems (S3), keynote. Tokyo, September 27-28, 2010.
Takashi Ikegami: The Origin of Life and the Self-moving Droplet. What is Evolution? organized by Murase, Kyoto, Japan, 2009.
Takashi Ikegami: Is Life an Emergent property? The Origin of Life” conference. organized by Luisi Luigi, San Sebastian, Spain, 2009.
池上高志: 生命とは何か, 人とは何か. ダーウィン生誕200年記念ワークショップ(奈良女子大)
Takashi Ikegami: Artificial Life is Dead. Artificial Life XI ( Winchester, UK)keynote, 2008.
池上高志: Making Autonomous Movementin Computer and Chemistry. 2008.
Takashi Ikegami: From Chaos to Cosmos: Integration in Biological Systems. sponsored by Yamada Science Foundation 3, Shouna, Japan, 2007.
Takashi Ikegami, International School on Complexity: Course on Statistical Physics of Social Dynamics: Opinions, Semiotic Dynamics, and Language. Erice, Italy, 2007.
Takashi Ikegami: Language, Evoluiton and Brain. Nara, 2008.
Takashi Ikegami, International Conference on Morphological Computation, Venezia, Italy, 2007.
Takashi Ikegami, Modeling Autonomy Workshop. San Sebastian, Spain, 2007.
自律性・模倣・憑依:ヒューマノイドAlter を用いた身体化された心の研究, 升森 敦士, 人工知能, 2022, 37 巻, 1 号, p. 19-26, 2022[Link] [Offloaded Agency]
池上 高志 , 生命理論としての認知科学:減算と縮約の哲学をめぐって, 認知科学, Vol. 28, No.2, 2021[Link]
丸山 典宏 岡 瑞起 阿部 洋丈 池上 高志 , TCP/IP Network 及び Echo State Network を用いた学習機モデル, The 29th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2015
本武陽一,池上高志 : Deep Neural Networks の力学的解析, 2015年度人工知能学会全国大会(第29回), 北海道, 2C3-OS-06b-4in,2015.
本武陽一,池上高志 : 大自由度ボイドモデルの解析, 日本物理学会第70回年次大会, 22aAJ-4,2015.
升森敦士, 丸山典宏, 三田毅, Douglas Bakkum, Urs Frey, 高橋宏知, 池上高志 : 身体性を持たせた培養神経回路網の原理とダイナミクス, 日本物理学会第70回年次大会, 22pPSB-49,2015.
升森 敦士, 丸山 典宏, 三田 毅, Frey Urs, Bakkum Douglas, 高橋 宏知, 池上 高志 : 身体性を持たせた培養神経回路網における「刺激を避ける原理」による自律的な適応行動の生成, 2015年度人工知能学会全国大会(第29回), 北海道, 4L1-2, 2015. [PDF]
本武 陽一, 岡 瑞起, 池上 高志 : ディープニューラルネットワーク内ダイナミクスの力学的解析, 2014年度人工知能学会全国大会(第28回), 愛媛, 3H4-OS-24b-4, 2014. [PDF]
土井 樹, 池上 高志 : 個の振る舞いとその全体の雰囲気の関係性, 2014年度人工知能学会全国大会(第28回), 愛媛, 2D3-5, 2014. [PDF]
升森 敦士, 丸山 典宏, 三田 毅, Frey Urs, Bakkum Douglas, 高橋 宏知, 池上 高志 : 身体化された培養神経回路網の活動の時空間解析, 2014年度人工知能学会全国大会(第28回), 愛媛, 2D3-3, 2014. [PDF]
丸山 典宏, 升森 敦士, 池上 高志 : 高密度電極アレイを用いた培養神経細胞による実環境ロボットの構築, 2014年度人工知能学会全国大会(第28回), 愛媛, 2D3-4, 2014. [PDF]
池上高志: "ハウルの動く城のような", 映像メディア情報学会誌,Vol.65, No.3, pp 319-324,2011.[PDF]
岡瑞起, 池上高志: ウェブにおける複雑な時間地形. 第2回復雑コミュニケーションサイエンス研究会, 2011.
岡瑞起, 阿部洋丈, 池上高志: パケットスイッチングネットワークのフローダイナミックスにみるインターネットの自律性.Joint Agent Workshop and Symposium 2011, (JAWS 2011).
池上高志, 岡瑞起: 人と環境にみる高次元のデータフローの生成と解析. 人口知能学会全国大会(第25回), 2011.
岡瑞起,橋本康弘,笹原和俊,池上高志, カートグラムを用いた空間のアフォーダンスの可視化, インタラクション 2011.
宇野良子・鍜治伸裕・大海悠太・池上高志・喜連川優:オノマトペの意味共有度と主観性. 第25回人工知能学会予稿集: 243-244, 2011.
橋本康弘,笹原和俊,岡瑞起,池上高志: 動く地図:自律的バネモデルによる空間情報地図の解析. 第23回自律分散システムシンポジウム, 2010.
宇野良子・鈴木啓介・池上高志: 楽しさで育つ文法の探求:人工コミュニケーションツールを用いた実験. 認知科学会第28回大会発表論文集: 237−242, 2010.
大海 悠太, 池上 高志: ニューラルネットワークと触覚ディスプレイを用いたアクティブタッチの研究 〜 「うねうね」と「ざらざら」の触感の構成 〜, 信学技報, vol.109, No.83, HIP2009-51, 17-21, 2009. [URL]
大海 悠太, 池上 高志 : 複雑系としてのマイクロスリップの数理的研究. 生態心理学研究, Volume 4, No. 1, 39-50, 2009. [URL]
宇野 良子, 大海 悠太, 池上 高志: オノマトペの認知言語学的分析:言語に見られるアクティブ知覚の考察. 日本認知科学会第26回大会, 2009. [PDF]
池上高志: 生命とは何か, 人とは何か. ダーウィン生誕200年記念ワークショプ, 奈良, 2009.
池上高志:複雑系科学とサウンドアート. 生存科学研究所 B Vol. 18, No. 3, 37-50, 2008.[PDF]
宇野良子: 接続助詞『から』と『ので』を含む複文の認知的分析―発話の場のダイナミズムと文法―」森雄一・西村義樹・山田進・米山三明(編)『ことばのダイナミズム. くろしお出版, 51-67, 2008.
宇野良子: 日本語の文のタイプとジョイント・アテンション. 『第二回博報「ことばと文化・教育」研究助成成果論文集』, 105-107, 2008.
宇野良子: 自然言語のダイナミズムへ―相互作用から文が立ち現れるかを考える―. 高木拓明・宇野良子(編), 『統計数理研究所共同研究リポート217 動的システムの情報論(7) 自然言語のダイナミズム』,北海道大学数学講究録134, 3-12, 2008. [URL]
池上高志: センサーと心, 物性研究, 88:3(20070620):444-447, 動的システムの情報論6 統計数理研究所共同研究リポート205, 統計数理研究所, 2007. [PDF]
大海 悠太, 池上 高志: 人間の選択によって進化したダイナミクスと触覚ディスプレイを用いた アクティブタッチの研究, 物性研究, 88:3(20070620):440-443, 動的システムの情報論6 統計数理研究所共同研究リポート205, 統計数理研究所, 2007.[PDF]
宇野良子, 池上高志: 二つの話者関与度スケールの相関 . 『日本認知言語学会論文集第7巻』, 2007.
大海悠太, 渋谷慶一郎, 江原寛人, 池上高志: 音響ソフトウェアとインスタレーションのための複雑系の生成システムの設計, 情報処理学会研究報告[音楽情報科学], Vol2007, No.127, 17-22, 2007.
大海悠太, 渋谷慶一郎, 江原寛人, 池上高志: 複雑系の生成システムを用いた音響ソフトウェアの開発とインスタレーション, 情報処理学会研究報告[音楽情報科学], Vol2007, No.102, 55-60, 2007.
宇野良子, 池上高志: 視点と時間―カラ節のテンスの分析―. 『日本認知言語学会論文集第6巻』, 215-223, 2006.[PDF]
池上高志:意識を担うダイナミクス. 科学, Vol. 76 ,2006.
宇野良子: 理由節を含む複文が表す静的関係の認知的分析. 『言語情報科学4』,35-49, 2006.
宇野良子, 池上高志:一人称的説明による理由文の分析ー構成論的アプローチから認知言語学へー. 日本認知言語会論文集第5巻,78-83, 2005.
池上高志: ゲーム理論の新展開ーその思想と展望をひらく1(ゲームとその背後の認知行為), 数理科学, No. 489 ,2004.
池上高志: 構成論的な知覚と身体性の理解, 子どもと発育発達,2.3号 ,157-162,2004.
池上高志: 運動と言語進化, 科学, Vol.74, No.12, 2004.
池上高志: 言語/認知/複雑系, 人工知能学会誌, Vol.19 No.2,267-272, 2004.
宇野良子, 池上高志: 言語を通して見る叙述的ジョイントアテンションのヴァリエーション ー志向性の文法論へー, 日本認知言語学会論文集, Vol 4,119-128, 2004.
池上高志: 人工生命からみた集合知, 人工知能学会誌, 18 ,690-696,2003.
池上高志: 人工生命, 計測と制御,No.40, Vol.1, 106-112, 2001.
宇野良子,池上高志: ジョイントアテンション/予測と言語, 志向性をそろえるメカニズム認知言語学論考, No2. ,231-274,2000.
池上高志: 進化研究のコンセプトを語る(8)人工生命のアプローチ, 遺伝,99-103,2000.
池上高志: 人工生命の世界観, 科学哲学 33-2,93-105, 2000.
池上高志: 生命進化を考える, パリティー, 15(10):20-26, 2000.
泰地真弘人, 池上高志: ゲームにおける学習プレイヤーのダイナミクス, 認知科学, 6(1):21-30, 1999.
池上高志: 人工生命-来るべき世界-, 計測と制御, 38(10), 636-640. 1999.
池上高志: 人工生命の目指したものと複雑系的生命感 重点領域研究 264 シンポジウム『創発的機能形成のシステム理論』1997.
池上高志: 進化と創造的エラー, 科学, 64(3), 1994.